Prof. Dr. Moritz Hagenmeyer

Prof. Dr. Moritz Hagenmeyer

Phone +49 40 35610-0 | hagenmeyer[at] |

Crisis Line (24h)

Food law
+49 40 35610-112

Moritz Hagenmeyer is a lawyer, barrister, lecturer for food law, member of the Legal Committee of the Food Federation Germany as well as the Germany correspondent for EFFL (European Food and Feed Law Review) and has been practising at KROHN Rechtsanwälte since 1998. He concentrates on food law (including bordering areas in pharmaceutical law, medical devices law, food contact material and consumer product law, cosmetics law, animal feed law, tobacco law and the law on chemicals) and unfair competition law. Furthermore, he is active i.a. as the chairman of the DCB sports tribunal and CAMRA Life Member. In the food sector he is known through numerous publications as well as presentations at events in Germany and abroad. Clients, competitors and seminar attendees value his work as quick, imaginative and entertaining.

In the ranking of renowned German lawyers that is determined by the US publisher Best Lawyers exclusively for the German business newspaper Handelsblatt Moritz Hagenmeyer has been regarded as one of "Germany's Best Lawyers" since 2009 in the areas of "Food Law", "Health Care Law", "Advertising Law" as well as "Intellectual Property Law" ("Gewerb­licher Rechts­schutz"), in 2018 and 2024 as "Lawyer of the Year" in the area of "Advertising Law" and in 2020 as "Lawyer of the Year" in the area of "Health Care Law".
The JUVE Handbook of Commercial Law Firms in Germany has recommended Moritz Hagenmeyer without interruption since 2002 and ranked him among the "Leading Names in Food Law" as from 2004.


  • Universitäten Hamburg, Freiburg, Cambridge und London
  • Referendariat beim OLG Hamburg
  • Promotion an der Universität Hamburg
  • Aptitude Test, Council of Legal Education, London
  • Fachanwalt für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz
  • Honorarprofessor an der Leibniz Universität Hannover



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